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Jonathan Levy MD
Jonathan Levy MD
Jonathan Levy MD
Jonathan Levy MD
Jonathan Levy MD
Appointments: (561) 922-9112

Shoulder Instability

Shoulder Instability

The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body. It is therefore not surprising that it has the highest rate of dislocation.

Typically the shoulder dislocates after a traumatic event. However, certain patients have increased flexibility (laxity) of all joints, and may dislocate their shoulder with minimal trauma.

The shoulder most commonly dislocates out the front of the shoulder, however, it may also dislocate out the back or even downwards. Shoulder dislocations are painful, and are associated with swelling, bruising, and occasionally numbness, weakness, and fractures. Occasionally, the dislocation event may result in nerve damage. If your shoulder does not pop-in (relocate) immediately, it may require medical assistance to reduce the shoulder back in place.

Shoulder Instability
Shoulder Instability


When your shoulder dislocates, the joint lining (capsule) and ligaments are either stretched or torn. This may predispose you shoulder to additional future dislocations. If the ligament and capsule are able to heal in the normal position, the chance of a second shoulder dislocation is lower.

Non-operative Treatment

After a shoulder dislocation, you may be placed in sling or immobilizer for a period of time. Typically, non-operative treatments are used initially, including activity modification, anti-inflammatory medication, cortisone injections, and physical therapy. The goal of physical therapy is to strengthen the rotator cuff and muscles around the shoulder blade in an effort to gain dynamic stability of the shoulder.

Shoulder Instability
Shoulder Instability
Shoulder Instability

If non-operative treatment is unable to improve symptoms, your physician may consider further investigation using an MRI. Often, contrast is injected into the shoulder to help identify a labral tear (Bankart tear).

Operative Treatment

Patients with recurrent dislocations are often candidates for surgical stabilization of the shoulder. The goal of surgery is to prevent future dislocations. Depending on the injury the surgery can be done arthroscopically or using an open procedure.

Additional Information

DISCLAIMER -- Jonathan Levy, MD provides information on this website as a service to his patients and the community. All medical information provided on this website should not be considered medical advice. While Dr. Levy attempts to keep this information accurate and up to date, no guarantee regarding the accuracy of the information is made. Without a visit with a health care professional, any information obtained on this site should be considered an educational service only. Information obtained on this website may help guide you in making your own health care decisions, but should not be considered medical advice.

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